Dancing Improves Health for Senior Citizens

Dancing is great exercise.

One challenge that many healthcare providers have is getting their elderly patients to exercise regularly enough.

Many seniors find it too challenging to take up a rigorous strength training, or cardio routine, due to health reasons. For many seniors these types of activities are not an option as they are just too physically demanding for their current health levels.

Joining a dance class can be an invigorating experience for a multitude of reasons:

  1. Cardiovascular wellness  – Dancing is great exercise, and elevates the heartbeat enough to get some heart health benefits.
  2. Increased Flexibility – The constant movement helps to keep muscles, and joints active, which helps to keep the body moving more freely.
  3. Social Connections – After the children have moved on, and spouses pass away, many senior citizens start to develop pretty significant feelings of loneliness and isolation. Dancing is a social activity. A dance class is a great place to meet like-minded individuals and a good way to work on creating lasting friendships.
  4. Relieve minor Joint pain and stiffness – Since dancing is a natural, fun activity, it doesn’t seem like a difficult task to perform. This ease in participation will often allow the participant an ability to move in ways they typically aren’t used to moving. This can lead to a reduction in pain and swelling of painful joints.
  5. Improvements in Balance – Dancing improves balance and coordination. Falling and breaking bones is always a big concern when it comes to senior citizens. By dancing regularly the improved balance will help keep falls from happening.
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